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Administrative Law.

Building and use permits, legalization of illegal constructions, spatial planning and regulation, protection of personal data and access to public information, administrative and tax inspection procedures, protecting the rights of parties in an administrative dispute. And much more.

In recent times, the field of Administrative Law has been the fastest-growing branch of law. Increasing legal regulations and inspection requires diligence in the organization and management of your business. We offer our clients all legal support in the implementation of investments in facilities and equipment, both in the procedures for issuing building permits, as well as in obtaining environmental consents and permits. We also deal with the field of mining and other exploitation of minerals.

We help clients protect their rights and legal benefits when faced with encroachments on their sphere of interest. We specialize in representation in environmental and construction procedures, where we take an interdisciplinary approach with the help of external experts and consultants.

We consult individuals -as well as public entities in procedures for the adoption of spatial planning acts and representation in administrative disputes related to the challenge of municipal spatial implementation acts. We advise clients to get involved in the process of adopting spatial acts with professional support as soon as possible, because only in this way, with the assistance of external experts, can we draw up an effective plan for the protection of rights.

Increasing legal regulation also means expanding the areas of control of inspection bodies. We represent clients in a wide range of inspection procedures, from construction, environmental, market, and other areas.
In the company, we place strong importance on tax law issues that need to be known when conducting various transactions of property rights, as well as in tax control procedures. We thus represent the parties in proceedings before the tax authorities and in administrative disputes.

Today, the laws on personal data protection and access to public information concern practically everyone. Even private entities integrate with administrative and other bodies, to which they may disclose an important part of their internal, confidential information. Thus, it’s urgent to protect such information from disclosure to the public by taking correct and timely steps. We also consult clients on how to exercise and secure their rights, protecting their benefits in administrative and judicial proceedings.

Labour Law
Corporate Law
Real Estate Law
Investment and Financial Law

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