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Corporate Law.

Advice to management and supervisory boards, takeovers and mergers, business secrets, prevention of money laundering, representation at general meetings, due diligence of legal entities, advice, and drafting of commercial contracts, representation in all types of commercial disputes, status changes.

We consult our clients, both public and non-public companies, on the most important strategic corporate issues. A comprehensive understanding of the situation and the search for optimal solutions requires a sense of detail, knowledge in the field of related sciences (accounting, taxes, business finance,) and excellent knowledge of domestic and foreign good practices. We gained all this through many years of work experience in this field, as well as through regular training.

We consult management and supervisory bodies on a wide range of business matters. We especially focus our advice regarding the issue of protecting business secrets and preventing money laundering. We offer management services for general meetings of the company, due diligence of legal entities, advice regarding the appointment and recall of management bodies, advice regarding joint ventures, sales of assets, receivables and, last but not least, public offers (IPOs) and restructuring of various business entities in all levels of their business.

We also offer legal entities all the necessary legal assistance in the preparation of all necessary legal documents, and in the preparation and coordination of various types of commercial contracts, shareholder agreements, and option agreements.

We’ve got comprehensive experience in representing legal entities in commercial disputes.

Labour Law
Investment and Financial Law
Real Estate Law
Administrative Law

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Butična odvetniška družba Brulc, Gaberščik in partnerji o.p., d.o.o., z več kot deset letnimi izkušnjami v odvetništvu, ki se je pretežno ukvarjala z izzivi iz področja gospodarstva, je konec leta 2022 spremenila svoj naziv.  Rast in razvoj družbe so botrovali...

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Sprememba cene pri gradbeni pogodbi zaradi rasti cen na trgu

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