Investment and Financial Law.
Leasing, money laundering prevention, bad debts, loans, mortgages, company takeovers, debt enforcement, insolvency… We master all of the above.
We advise clients on all finance-related transactions, with banks and financial institutions, particularly regarding secured and unsecured transactions, bank loans, and other alternative forms of financing. We provide proper legal support in establishing guarantees, such as bank guarantees, mortgage loans, surety bonds, and other similar financial instruments.
In our line of work, we encounter challenges such as issuing and enforcing bank guarantees, as well as prevention of money laundering. We place special focus on the proper planning of more complex transactions that require an effective solution with minimal risk to clients.
An important part of investments is made through acquisitions and sales of companies. Our extensive experience and good sense of interests of all parties involved will ensure ultimate satisfaction for all. We advise clients on the purchase or sale of bad debts, their enforcement or liquidation, or the acquisition of additional collateral.
Our banking and finance team provides advice regarding all aspects of banking, loans and leasing. If necessary, we also provide advice regarding the issuance of securities, and we’re constantly included in many structured financial transactions and real estate financing. The professionalism of our lawyers covers all aspects of banking and finance, including issues of compliance with banking operations, prevention of money laundering, and the effects of consumer legislation, in addition to classic orders when establishing a mortgage and issuing bank guarantees.
We also help companies by consulting regarding financial collateral in commercial contracts, resolving problems in the event of excess exposure, and representing clients in debt collection. This practice particularly focuses on the compilation of all types of general terms and conditions of business and prospectuses required by regulations.
We hope that you don’t need us because of the potential economic crisis, but in case you do, consider that we’ve helped many clients to refinance multilateral debt and conclude financial restructuring framework agreements without exposing the companies to serious insolvency risk.
Labour Law
Corporate Law
Real Estate Law
Administrative Law
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